ServeNC is a missions blitz in our community the week of August 3 – 10. Imagine the whole church active in missions at one time! Below you will find a detailed list of 11 Service Projects. We would like for you to choose one that is a match to your spiritual gift and register for that project. We ask that you register by July 31.
Please be sure to check the date and ensure that you can serve on that day. Some projects also have specific times for the event. Once you are ready to register for a project, CLICK HERE to select the project that you have chosen. As we get closer to ServeNC week, the project coordinator will be in touch with more details.
Walk with the clients through the center while they shop for food and clothes
Pray for them according to their needs
Coordinator: Wanda Judson
Volunteers Needed: 2
Sort clothes, tag them with sizes, and organize them for distribution
Coordinator: Wanda Judson
Volunteers Needed: 4
Sort clothes, tag them with sizes, and organize them for distribution days
Coordinator: Wanda Judson
Volunteers Needed: 4
Offer to pay for customers washer and dryer loads from donated quarters from VBS
Pray for their spiritual needs and share 3 circles when possible
Coordinator: Debra Parkins
Volunteers Needed: 4
Coordinator: Keith/Lisa Hite
Volunteers Needed: 6
Lead, assist, and engage with the children from Mint Hill Village and McEwen Village for a fun experience
Coordinator: Donna Mariucci
Volunteers Needed: 6 Youth, 2 Adults
Prepare care packages and meals then deliver to the respective sites
Coordinator: Debbie Rhyner
Volunteers Needed: 6
Offer water bottles and snacks to park visitors
Pass out MHBC pamphlets with the 3 Circles
Pray for them when appropriate
Coordinator: Keith Summey
Volunteers Needed: 2
Offer water bottles and snacks to park visitors
Pass out MHBC pamphlets with the 3 Circles
Pray for them when appropriate
Coordinator: Steve Waller
Volunteers Needed: 2
Clean Around and Pressure Wash a Home, Build A Ramp
Coordinator: Jay Bodner
Volunteers Needed: 10